Do I Qualify for a Summary Dissolution?

May 10, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions

Pursuing a Simplified End to Your Marriage

Divorce can be a complicated and emotionally-draining process. Luckily, California offers alternative ways to end a marriage. Couples who have been together for a brief time and acquired few assets and debts may be eligible to pursue a summary dissolution.

In order to qualify for a summary dissolution, you and your spouse must:

  • Agree that neither will receive alimony
  • Have been married for less than five years
  • Have lived in California for the last six months and in the county where you are filing for a dissolution for at least the last three months
  • Have no biological or adopted children together, nor be expecting a child
  • Have no more than $45,000 in separate property, not including cars
  • Have signed an agreement that divides all debt and property, including your cars
  • Owe no more than $6,000 in community debts, not counting car loans
  • Own no land nor property

It’s important to note that the length of the marriage is calculated as the date of the wedding to the date of separation, not necessarily the projected date of your dissolution.

The Benefits of a Summary Dissolution

Summary dissolutions are attractive substitutes for divorce. Those who qualify benefit from:

  • A process free from many of the typical stresses of divorce
  • A cost-effective end to their marriage
  • A quick, simple alternative to divorce

What Are My Options if I Don’t Qualify for a Summary Dissolution?

If you and your spouse are disqualified from a summary dissolution, you can still seek an end to your marriage using uncontested dissolution or divorce mediation. Our attorney will review your case and help you determine the best way to move forward. Contact us today for more information.


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